Your team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion. Curiosity.
Since 2015, Crowdberry has facilitated investments in startups, SMEs, impact investing and real estate projects. Our team has experience in finance management, investment banking and venture capital from all around the world.
CB IM Growth One fund was founded in 2019 to help seed and pre-seed businesses to grow.
Investment Committee
The role of the Investment Committee is to evaluate investment opportunities, the expected returns and risk profile of individual target companies and approve deals based on the Fund's strategy. The Committee approves the terms of the investment and all the decisions at the level of portfolio companies until the final sale/exit.

Ján Cifra
Jan has been working in leadership positions in software and technology companies and startups since 2006. After receiving his MBA from the prestigious Vlerick Business School in Ghent, Belgium in 2011, he led the business development team at Piano Media. Since 2014, Jan has been a managing partner for the CEE region of Loopia Group (Websupport), Axasoft, Qimonda.

Jozef Škorupa
Jozef has worked for international companies in Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Poland since 2005. He graduated with a PhD from Ghent University in Belgium and subsequently worked in Brussels for the Boston Consulting Group. He successfully leads the CEE region at Henkel Industrials, where he has worked since 2014.

Jozef Gima
Jozef brings to CB IM 25 years of experience successfully managing companies in the food industry, headed the logistics company Calmar, and managed DPMK. Jozef led the family business RYBA Košice to a successful sale after it achieved turnover of 40 million €. He is a graduate of the University of Economics in Bratislava.